Disciplinary and Grievances Solicitors in Leeds

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A disciplinary procedure is used by an employer to address an employee’s conduct or performance. A grievance procedure is used to deal with a problem or complaint that an employee raise. If you have a disciplinary hearing or a problem at work speak to one of our employment lawyers who will give you down to earth practical advice.

About disciplinary procedures

There are mechanisms in place governing how employers should deal with instances of employee misconduct, capability or performance. ACAS (the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) advise employers to follow these steps:

  • Gather facts relevant to the situation
  • Inform the employee of your dissatisfaction
  • Hold a meeting with the employee to discuss the situation
  • Decide what action (if any) will be taken

If after the meeting you should decide disciplinary action is necessary keep in mind that your employee has the legal right to appeal your decision.

If you feel a member of your staff warrants disciplinary action but are unsure how to proceed the team at Frederick Solicitors can help.

About employee grievances

In instances when an employee has a complaint about the way their employer is treating them, it is always preferable to try and work things out through informal conversations. If such conversations do not yield a satisfactory result the employee may decide to file a formal grievance.

Once the employee has filed a grievance a formal meeting will be scheduled between employee and employer to discuss the matter. If applicable the employee will be entitled to have a trade union representative present. Otherwise, they may request a co-worker attend. Following the meeting, the employee can appeal if he or she feels the result is unsatisfactory.

About the Employment Tribunal

In cases where the employee feels that a disciplinary was unfair or the grievance was not adequately dealt, they may file a claim with the Employment Tribunal. If the claim succeeds the employer will be liable to pay compensation to the employee.

The best way for companies to protect themselves from Employment Tribunal rulings is to have clear and effective internal disciplinary and grievance procedures in place. Nonetheless, should a case wind up before the Employment Tribunal the team at Frederick Solicitors can assist you to defend your interests.

About our team

The team at Frederick Solicitors have many years of combined experience helping to resolve employment issues in favour of our clients. Whatever your dispute and regardless of the complexities or technicalities involved, Frederick Solicitors can help.

Our expert employment solicitors are here to help
resolve your issue as quickly as possible.