Speak to us today for down to earth, practical legal advice. Our expert Employment Solicitors are here to help you.
We can help you obtain the compensation you deserve for the pain and distress. We will assess your case and advise you on the best way forward.
Employers may offer less than you deserve. Our expert Solicitors can negotiate better terms for you.
Call our experts FREE on 0113 513 2047 or request an immediate callback
Our team of employment law experts are ready to assist you in effectively managing employment problems in a variety of ways. Whether you need full legal representation or discrete assistance with a stressful issue you can rely on the team at Frederick Solicitors.
Our experience and expertise enables us to propose alternative measures to resolve disputes quickly and in the most agreeable manner possible for our clients. Where others see a lack of viable options, we see nuance and possibilities.
We appreciate that when dealing with people’s careers or the businesses they have nurtured from vague concept to industry-leading success tact, understanding and a desire to seek genuine justice are imperative. Regardless of which side of the dispute a client may be on we listen intently before proposing a course of action that will provide the desired relief.
We provide legal advice if you have any issue or dispute with your employer. We can help to secure you a settlement agreement wherever possible and can assist you…
Our employment law expertise is available for all your employment related needs. It could be that you need to solve a current issue or plan an effective employment…
If you have been so unfairly treated at work that you had to resign or thinking about resigning, you may have a claim for constructive dismissal.
Are you suffering discrimination at work? We are here to help protect you.
We specialise in helping employees with settlement agreements. If your employer has given you a settlement agreement for whatever reason, we can help.
For a fixed monthly fee, we will ensure that your business has in place legally compliant contracts of employment, policies and Procedures.
A contract between an employer and employee or worker is a legally binding agreement. This could be a ‘contract of employment’ or a ‘contract of service’.
A disciplinary procedure is used by an employer to address an employee’s conduct or performance. A grievance procedure is used to deal with a problem…
Speak to us today for down to earth, practical legal advice.
We’re here to answer any questions you might have with expert ease.
If you find yourself in a potentially difficult situation but are unsure how to proceed, arrange a consultation with a member of our team. They will listen intently, put things in an easy-to-understand legal context and advise you on the most appropriate way forward.